Canada Target Gap

Are provincial pledges adequate enough to achieve Canada’s NDC goal?

Each party to the Paris Agreement creates a nationally determined contribution (NDC) or intended nationally determined contribution (INDC), these non-binding national plans highlight climate change mitigation, including climate-related targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions. Non-state actors on the other hand, are not formally recognized in the Paris Agreement’s global stocktake. Actions at subnational level are integral to the success of the Paris Agreement. Some non-state actors create climate plans with pledged emission targets. For instance, 11 of the 13 Canadian provinces/territories have pledged emissions targets.

This notebook will explore if the provincial pledges are enough to meet Canada’s NDC goal. We will use nationally reported data from the UNFCCC and provincial data from ECCC, as well as pledged targets. We find that the provincial pledges are not adequate enough to achieve Canada’s NDC goal. Assuming the emissions from provinces without targets remain constant at pre-pandemic 2019 levels, Canada will be about 167 MtCO2e shy of their NDC goal. As outlined in the AR6 summary for policymakers (SPM), feasible, effective, and low-cost options for mitigation and adaptation are already available.

from itertools import cycle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator
import numpy as np
import openclimate as oc
import pandas as pd
def get_emissions(part, data_id=None):
    data_id = 'ECCC:GHG_inventory:2022-04-13' if data_id is None else data_id
        return client.emissions(actor_id=part, datasource_id=data_id)
        return None

def get_target(part, year, data_id = None):
    data_id = 'C2ES:canadian_GHG_targets' if data_id is None else data_id
        part_targets = (
            client.targets(actor_id = part, ignore_warnings=True)
            .loc[lambda x: x['target_type'] == 'Absolute emission reduction',
                 ['actor_id', 'baseline_year', 'target_year', 'target_value', 'target_unit', 'datasource_id']]

        part_target = part_targets.loc[part_targets['datasource_id']== data_id]

        closest_target = part_targets['target_year'][part_targets['target_year'] >= 2030].min()
        cols_out = ['actor_id', 'baseline_year', 'target_year','target_value', 'target_unit']
        target = part_targets.loc[part_targets['target_year'] == closest_target, cols_out]
        return target
        return None

def least_squares_regression(x, y):
    # Calculate the slope and intercept using normal equations
    X = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T
    theta = np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ y
    slope, intercept = theta[0], theta[1]
    predict = lambda x: slope * x + intercept
    return {"slope": slope, "intercept": intercept, "equation": predict}

# Inititaliate OpenClimate
client = oc.Client()

Get country emissions and targets

iso2 = 'CA'
data_id = 'UNFCCC:GHG_ANNEX1:2019-11-08'

tonnes_to_megatonnes = 1 / 10**6

actor_parts = = iso2, part_type = 'adm1')
df_nat = client.emissions(actor_id = iso2, datasource_id=data_id)

nat_targets = (
    client.targets(actor_id = iso2)
    .loc[lambda x: x['target_type'] == 'Absolute emission reduction',
         ['actor_id', 'baseline_year', 'target_year', 'target_value', 'target_unit']]

df_target = nat_targets.drop_duplicates().reset_index().iloc[-1]
baseline_year = int(df_target['baseline_year'])
baseline_emissions = float(df_nat.loc[df_nat['year'] == baseline_year, 'total_emissions']) * tonnes_to_megatonnes
target_year = int(df_target['target_year'])
percent = int(df_target['target_value'])
percent_decimal = percent / 100
emissions_cut = baseline_emissions * percent_decimal
target_emissions = baseline_emissions - emissions_cut

data = {
    'actor_id': iso2,
    'baseline_year': baseline_year,
    'baseline_emissions': baseline_emissions,
    'target_year': target_year,
    'emissions_reduction': emissions_cut,
    'target_percent': percent

national = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0])
/tmp/ipykernel_961/ FutureWarning: Calling float on a single element Series is deprecated and will raise a TypeError in the future. Use float(ser.iloc[0]) instead
  baseline_emissions = float(df_nat.loc[df_nat['year'] == baseline_year, 'total_emissions']) * tonnes_to_megatonnes
actor_id baseline_year baseline_emissions target_year target_emissions emissions_reduction target_percent
0 CA 2005 741.182843 2030 407.650564 333.532279 45

Get province emissions and targets

data_raw = []
data_scaled = []

tonnes_to_megatonnes = 1 / 10**6

for part in actor_parts['actor_id']:
    data_id = 'ECCC:GHG_inventory:2022-04-13'
    year = 2030
    df_part = get_emissions(part, data_id)

        df_target = get_target(part, year).drop_duplicates().reset_index().iloc[-1]
        baseline_year = int(df_target['baseline_year'])
        baseline_emissions = float(df_part.loc[df_part['year'] == baseline_year, 'total_emissions']) * tonnes_to_megatonnes
        target_year = int(df_target['target_year'])
        percent = int(df_target['target_value'])
        percent_decimal = percent / 100
        emissions_cut = baseline_emissions * percent_decimal
        n_years = target_year - baseline_year
        emissions_cut_per_year = emissions_cut / n_years
        target_emissions = baseline_emissions - emissions_cut

            'actor_id': part,
            'baseline_year': baseline_year,
            'baseline_emissions': baseline_emissions,
            'target_year': target_year,
            'emissions_reduction': emissions_cut,
            'avg_reduction_per_year': emissions_cut_per_year,
            'percent': percent

        if target_year>year:
            x = [baseline_year, target_year]
            y = [baseline_emissions, target_emissions]
            lsr_dict = least_squares_regression(x, y)
            lsr = lsr_dict['equation']
            target_year = year
            target_emissions = lsr(target_year)
            emissions_cut = baseline_emissions * percent_decimal
            emissions_cut_per_year = emissions_cut / (target_year - baseline_year)

            'actor_id': part,
            'baseline_year': baseline_year,
            'baseline_emissions': baseline_emissions,
            'normalized_target_year': target_year,
            'emissions_reduction': emissions_cut,
            'avg_reduction_per_year': emissions_cut_per_year,
            'percent_reduction': percent


df_part_targets = pd.DataFrame(data_raw)
df_part_targets_scaled = pd.DataFrame(data_scaled)

Each province has targets with different baseline years, percent reduction, and target years

actor_id baseline_year baseline_emissions target_year target_emissions emissions_reduction avg_reduction_per_year percent
0 CA-AB 2005 237.093201 2050 203.900153 33.193048 0.737623 14
1 CA-BC 2007 62.658881 2030 37.595329 25.063552 1.089720 40
2 CA-MB 2005 20.530551 2030 13.755469 6.775082 0.271003 33
3 CA-NB 2005 19.781112 2030 10.681800 9.099312 0.363972 46
4 CA-NL 2001 9.899129 2050 2.474782 7.424347 0.151517 75
5 CA-NS 2005 22.963779 2030 10.792976 12.170803 0.486832 53
6 CA-NT 2005 1.725190 2030 0.862595 0.862595 0.034504 50
7 CA-ON 2005 204.370140 2030 143.059098 61.311042 2.452442 30
8 CA-PE 2005 1.899135 2030 1.329395 0.569740 0.022790 30
9 CA-QC 1990 84.508702 2030 53.240482 31.268220 0.781705 37
10 CA-YT 2010 0.647988 2030 0.453592 0.194396 0.009720 30

In order to accurately compare the effectiveness of these targets to achieving the national goal, we scale all the pledges to 2030 (the target year at the national level) assuming linear rate of reduction

actor_id baseline_year baseline_emissions normalized_target_year target_emissions emissions_reduction avg_reduction_per_year percent_reduction
0 CA-AB 2005 237.093201 2030 218.652619 33.193048 1.327722 14
1 CA-BC 2007 62.658881 2030 37.595329 25.063552 1.089720 40
2 CA-MB 2005 20.530551 2030 13.755469 6.775082 0.271003 33
3 CA-NB 2005 19.781112 2030 10.681800 9.099312 0.363972 46
4 CA-NL 2001 9.899129 2030 5.505128 7.424347 0.256012 75
5 CA-NS 2005 22.963779 2030 10.792976 12.170803 0.486832 53
6 CA-NT 2005 1.725190 2030 0.862595 0.862595 0.034504 50
7 CA-ON 2005 204.370140 2030 143.059098 61.311042 2.452442 30
8 CA-PE 2005 1.899135 2030 1.329395 0.569740 0.022790 30
9 CA-QC 1990 84.508702 2030 53.240482 31.268220 0.781705 37
10 CA-YT 2010 0.647988 2030 0.453592 0.194396 0.009720 30

Calculate target gap

If the provinces are on track to meeting Canada’s NDC goal, then the sum of each provincial emissions in the target yeat (\(E_{prov}\)) will equal the national emissions in the target yeat (\(E_{nat}\)). However, if the provincial emissions are either not enough or overshoot the national goal, there will be an emissions gap (\(E_{gap}\)), if this gap is positive then the provincial is not enough to meet the goal and if the gap is negative, the provinces have overachieved the goal.

\(E_{nat} + E_{gap}= \sum_{prov=1}^N E_{prov}\)

In this section of the notebook, we will calculate this gap as follows:

\(E_{gap} = \big(\sum_{prov=1}^N E_{prov}\big) - E_{nat}\)

This only takes into account provinces with with targets. Two provinces, Saskatchewan and Nunavut, do not have targets. In this case, we will assume their emissions remain at pre-pandemic 2019 levels, as we are unsure as to their future emissions trajectory. The revised gap that takes into account emissions from Saskatchewan (\(E_{2019,SK}\)) and Nunavut (\(E_{2019,NU}\)):

\(E_{gap} = \big(\sum_{prov=1}^N E_{prov}\big) + E_{2019,SK} + E_{2019,NU} - E_{nat}\)

sum_subat_target = df_part_targets_scaled['target_emissions'].sum()
national_target = float(national['target_emissions'].values)

gap = sum_subat_target - national_target

If each province meets their goal (ignoring emissiong from Saskatchewan and Nunavut),
there will still be an {round(gap)} MtCO2e gap in the target.

If each province meets their goal (ignoring emissiong from Saskatchewan and Nunavut),
there will still be an 88 MtCO2e gap in the target.

missing_actors = list(set(actor_parts['actor_id']) - set(df_part_targets['actor_id']))
data_id = 'ECCC:GHG_inventory:2022-04-13'
df_missing = get_emissions(missing_actors, data_id)
df_missing = df_missing.assign(total_emissions = df_missing['total_emissions'] / 10**6)
missing_emissions = df_missing.loc[(df_missing['actor_id'].isin(missing_actors)) & (df_missing['year'] == 2019), 'total_emissions'].sum()
gap_revised = (sum_subat_target + missing_emissions) - national_target

If we assume Saskatchewan and Nunavut emissions remain constant at pre-pandemic levels,
then the emissions gap increases to {round(gap_revised)} MtCO2e.

If we assume Saskatchewan and Nunavut emissions remain constant at pre-pandemic levels,
then the emissions gap increases to 167 MtCO2e.

This emissions gap is similar to the reductions from all the pledges {round(df_part_targets_scaled['emissions_reduction'].sum())} MtCO2e.
Meaning provincial commitments need to roughly double to meet the national goal.

This emissions gap is similar to the reductions from all the pledges 188 MtCO2e.
Meaning provincial commitments need to roughly double to meet the national goal.

Create figure

df_tmp = (
    .loc[(df_missing['actor_id'].isin(missing_actors)) & (df_missing['year'] == 2019), ['actor_id','total_emissions']]

df_fin = pd.concat([df_part_targets_scaled[['actor_id', 'target_emissions']], df_tmp]).reset_index(drop=True)
df_fin = df_fin.sort_values(by='target_emissions', ascending=False)
df_fin['cumulative'] = df_fin['target_emissions'].cumsum()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111), national['target_emissions'], bottom=0, label='CA')

previous = 0
for iterator, row in df_fin.iterrows():
    emissions = row['target_emissions']
    cumulative = row['cumulative']
    actor_id = row['actor_id'], emissions, bottom=previous, label=actor_id)
    previous = cumulative
    ax.text(1.5, previous - (emissions/2),

# Turn off the display of all ticks.
ax.tick_params(which='both',     # Options for both major and minor ticks
               top='off',        # turn off top ticks
               left='off',       # turn off left ticks
               right='off',      # turn off right ticks
               bottom='off')     # turn off bottom ticks

# Remove x tick marks
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=0)

# Hide the right and top spines

# Only show ticks on the left and bottom spines

# grid and tick marks
ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 700, 100))
        color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], linestyle='-')

ax.set_xticks([0, 1])
ax.set_xticklabels(['National', 'Provinces'])
ax.set_title("2030 Emission targets")
ax.set_ylabel("Emissions (MTCO$_2$-eq)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Emissions (MTCO$_2$-eq)')